Facts about the climate crisis – klima.faktograf.hr

The two-year project “Facts about the climate crisis – klima.faktograf.hr” is implemented by Faktograf – Association for the Informed Public as the holder in partnership with the University of Zadar. The general objective of the project is to develop and establish a verification of the accuracy of information related to the climate crisis with the aim of strengthening society’s resilience to climate disinformation and improving media literacy through understanding information on the climate crisis.

The central activity of the project is the creation of a specialized thematic platform on the subdomain klima.faktograf.hr through which the topic of climate and climate disinformation will be systematically monitored, and an analytical view of climate crisis issues will be provided. The project will conduct the first research on climate disinformation in Croatia that will serve to better understand the problem, prepare scientific papers, and the data obtained by the research will be open to other scientists and researchers. Also, Faktograf.hr will publish articles based on the obtained results, which will improve the multidisciplinary approach to addressing climate disinformation. An analysis of previously published climate disinformation will also be made, the accuracy of which has been verified by Faktograf through 10 years of its work, and actors and channels that spread disinformation will be mapped. A multidisciplinary conference on climate disinformation will be organized, and the results of the project will be presented to fact-checking organizations at the European level through international conferences and meetings, which will strengthen the understanding and cooperation of relevant stakeholders in the fight against disinformation.

The project is co-financed by the Electronic Media Agency in the amount of €198,811.44 (98.28%) under the “Establishment of media fact-checking and public data disclosure systems” measure (reference number: NPOO C1.1.1. R6-I2), which is implemented as part of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan.

Faktograf Analysis of Misinformation

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